I am super happy with this couch and would recommend it to anyone. It has a very deep seat, so if that is not your style then this couch is not for you. I enjoy the firmness of the couch and the leather makes it both comfortable to sit on and look great in my space.
It was super easy to assemble(I did it by my self, however I would recommend having 2 people to make it easier and quicker) and the delivery people where easy to work with when they came to drop it off. Over all this has been my favorite purchase to date.
Amazing Deal
I am super happy with this couch and would recommend it to anyone. It has a very deep seat, so if that is not your style then this couch is not for you. I enjoy the firmness of the couch and the leather makes it both comfortable to sit on and look great in my space. It was super easy to assemble(I did it by my self, however I would recommend having 2 people to make it easier and quicker) and the delivery people where easy to work with when they came to drop it off. Over all this has been my favorite purchase to date.