OK. This bed is sturdy and the perfect height and width for my six year old daughters bedroom. Shes SUPER excited about it and I feel comfortable with her in it. I also love the storage room that it creates for her toys.
But heres the key: Read the directions and follow them EXACTLY. If it says to connect parts A and B together, DO IT -- even if it looks like C and D are the same parts. If it says to connect G and H with U, DO IT -- even if it looks like U and V are the same parts.
I built this thing three times because I had parts that looked similar to one another in the wrong place.
Reviews say the directions are bad and the holes dont line up. In my experience, the directions were fine and the holes were where they were supposed to be -- I was too impatient to read them and follow them carefully.
Directions are Fine. User was Careless.
OK. This bed is sturdy and the perfect height and width for my six year old daughters bedroom. Shes SUPER excited about it and I feel comfortable with her in it. I also love the storage room that it creates for her toys. But heres the key: Read the directions and follow them EXACTLY. If it says to connect parts A and B together, DO IT -- even if it looks like C and D are the same parts. If it says to connect G and H with U, DO IT -- even if it looks like U and V are the same parts. I built this thing three times because I had parts that looked similar to one another in the wrong place. Reviews say the directions are bad and the holes dont line up. In my experience, the directions were fine and the holes were where they were supposed to be -- I was too impatient to read them and follow them carefully.