Sturdy, but two person job to put together. Would recommend buying.
I bought two, one for each of my kids. I did not have the skills to put this together myself. I had to have someone who was good with a drill help me. The beds are sturdy. I do not have them anchored to the wall. I bought pool noodles for the ladder, as the steps were hurting my kids feet. But they are 12 and 15 and LOVE having the desk area under the bed. I hung up a shower curtain around the desk area for added privacy and added cute string lights above the desk. I would recommend these beds.
Sturdy, but two person job to put together. Would recommend buying.
I bought two, one for each of my kids. I did not have the skills to put this together myself. I had to have someone who was good with a drill help me. The beds are sturdy. I do not have them anchored to the wall. I bought pool noodles for the ladder, as the steps were hurting my kids feet. But they are 12 and 15 and LOVE having the desk area under the bed. I hung up a shower curtain around the desk area for added privacy and added cute string lights above the desk. I would recommend these beds.