Been using for 2 years now. Basic, sturdy, lives up to all promises in the info. Never had to tighten a bolt or nut. Very reliable! Perfect if youre trying to save some space.
I live in the living room of a single bedroom apartment in Manhattan, and it allowed my roommate and I to fit in a futon and a lot of furniture where we probably couldnt have if it werent for this loft bed.
Very trusty
Been using for 2 years now. Basic, sturdy, lives up to all promises in the info. Never had to tighten a bolt or nut. Very reliable! Perfect if youre trying to save some space. I live in the living room of a single bedroom apartment in Manhattan, and it allowed my roommate and I to fit in a futon and a lot of furniture where we probably couldnt have if it werent for this loft bed.