I ordered three of these beds for my children. Buy them, they said. Well be so hip! Thanks to Prime they arrived promptly. I opened one and was immediately intimidated by the number of parts. Not one to shy away from such things I jumped into action. After one hour I only had one end assembled poorly and had invented at least 30 new curse words. I had assembled the bottom piece upside down, said the hell with it and there it sat for at least a week. I eventually paid my teenaged sons friend to help my son put the beds together. 2 of them. They were time consuming and tedious enough that the kid, who is super polite, said, Maam, I REALLY want to help with that last bed but Max and I have been friends for too long for these beds to ruin it. I will have to come back on another day. The last box is still leaning on a wall. The two that are put together look really great in my girls room. There is also some awesomely long pieces of cardboard in the boxes great for sliding down staircases.
Destroyer of Friendships but Nice Design
I ordered three of these beds for my children. Buy them, they said. Well be so hip! Thanks to Prime they arrived promptly. I opened one and was immediately intimidated by the number of parts. Not one to shy away from such things I jumped into action. After one hour I only had one end assembled poorly and had invented at least 30 new curse words. I had assembled the bottom piece upside down, said the hell with it and there it sat for at least a week. I eventually paid my teenaged sons friend to help my son put the beds together. 2 of them. They were time consuming and tedious enough that the kid, who is super polite, said, Maam, I REALLY want to help with that last bed but Max and I have been friends for too long for these beds to ruin it. I will have to come back on another day. The last box is still leaning on a wall. The two that are put together look really great in my girls room. There is also some awesomely long pieces of cardboard in the boxes great for sliding down staircases.