This has turned out to be a great purchase. It's much more durable than anything I have ever bought from Ikea. Yet, the price was similar. It was time-consuming, but easy to put together. It's actually sturdy enough to hold me, and I'm over 250 lbs. Each drawer holds about 4-5 pairs of adult shoes. It was the perfect size, too, although just a little low to the ground. We use the heck out of it!
We use the heck out of this!
This has turned out to be a great purchase. It's much more durable than anything I have ever bought from Ikea. Yet, the price was similar. It was time-consuming, but easy to put together. It's actually sturdy enough to hold me, and I'm over 250 lbs. Each drawer holds about 4-5 pairs of adult shoes. It was the perfect size, too, although just a little low to the ground. We use the heck out of it!