It's as advertised, except for the simple assembly as other reviewers have mentioned. The main body of the unit is easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. I'm 200 pounds and it feels solid when I sit on it. The seat is comfortable, although not super secure with just the 6 2x2 velcro patches. This is fine for just the straight downward force of sitting, but if you use it to put on or tie a shoe it'll slide around. Finally, the back piece is horrible. First, it's actually two pieces connected together by a grooved piece of plastic which is difficult to get in place. Then, getting all that lined up perfectly is also difficult especially since there are no pre-drilled holes for the it's screws which are then difficult to get in straight if at all. Finally, the edges of the back panel are brown (not painted white like everything else) so that looks tacky. I used a white paint pen to fix that. Hope this review was helpful.
Good, not great.
It's as advertised, except for the simple assembly as other reviewers have mentioned. The main body of the unit is easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. I'm 200 pounds and it feels solid when I sit on it. The seat is comfortable, although not super secure with just the 6 2x2 velcro patches. This is fine for just the straight downward force of sitting, but if you use it to put on or tie a shoe it'll slide around. Finally, the back piece is horrible. First, it's actually two pieces connected together by a grooved piece of plastic which is difficult to get in place. Then, getting all that lined up perfectly is also difficult especially since there are no pre-drilled holes for the it's screws which are then difficult to get in straight if at all. Finally, the edges of the back panel are brown (not painted white like everything else) so that looks tacky. I used a white paint pen to fix that. Hope this review was helpful.