This was really easy to assemble, despite the instructions not being the clearest. And it is extremely sturdy! I'm 295lbs, and it doesn't even wobble or creak when I sit on it with my purse and with shoes in every slot. It's comfortable to sit on, too. It has feet in the center which, while little, do a whole lot for the structure.
Got it for my dad for Christmas, and it works perfectly for him. We were both really impressed by the quality while we were assembling.
Sturdy and easily holds 300lbs
This was really easy to assemble, despite the instructions not being the clearest. And it is extremely sturdy! I'm 295lbs, and it doesn't even wobble or creak when I sit on it with my purse and with shoes in every slot. It's comfortable to sit on, too. It has feet in the center which, while little, do a whole lot for the structure. Got it for my dad for Christmas, and it works perfectly for him. We were both really impressed by the quality while we were assembling.