This product was easy to assemble, and definitely a value for the money. It is perfect for my 11/2 year old. She loves to climb on top of the bench and look at books! I also love how many cubbies there are it makes it easy to organize her books. I like to have one section be for all day books, one section is for library books, interactive books and night time books. It is aesthetically pleasing while also being functional. Perfect for teaching your little one independents. Small enough that it can be placed almost anywhere but I have mine tucked away in the closet.
Book nook bonkers
This product was easy to assemble, and definitely a value for the money. It is perfect for my 11/2 year old. She loves to climb on top of the bench and look at books! I also love how many cubbies there are it makes it easy to organize her books. I like to have one section be for all day books, one section is for library books, interactive books and night time books. It is aesthetically pleasing while also being functional. Perfect for teaching your little one independents. Small enough that it can be placed almost anywhere but I have mine tucked away in the closet.