I could not be happier with my purchase!! It was easy to build. Im 7 months pregnant- but in fairness I am pretty handy - and it only took 45 minutes to unbox and build. One perk during build is that the pieces are fully finished, so its less complications as to which way the boards go. It is also a beautiful finished product. The wood colors / grains make it look very classy. I would definitely recommend and am considering a second purchase!
Great buy! Beautiful product!
I could not be happier with my purchase!! It was easy to build. Im 7 months pregnant- but in fairness I am pretty handy - and it only took 45 minutes to unbox and build. One perk during build is that the pieces are fully finished, so its less complications as to which way the boards go. It is also a beautiful finished product. The wood colors / grains make it look very classy. I would definitely recommend and am considering a second purchase!