Product arrived very well packaged. No damage done is shipping. Assembled in less than an hour. I love the two adjustable height shelves. My boots fit perfectly in there! The cushion is nice (obviously the cat loves it!) the cover comes off and is easy to wash, the foam insert is cleanable, not easy, but I hand washed it in the tub with dawn dish soap after the cat peed on it. Smdh. I would recommend this to anyone!
Wonderful bench!
Product arrived very well packaged. No damage done is shipping. Assembled in less than an hour. I love the two adjustable height shelves. My boots fit perfectly in there! The cushion is nice (obviously the cat loves it!) the cover comes off and is easy to wash, the foam insert is cleanable, not easy, but I hand washed it in the tub with dawn dish soap after the cat peed on it. Smdh. I would recommend this to anyone!