Sturdy and priced very well. This frame fit perfectly on my toddlers full size mattress. No overhang or sagging. Hes jumped on it a few times and no cracking or anything. Directions would be a lot more clear if they pieces were labeled sort of how ikea does it with the abc on the pieces. Real wood slats and not thin at all. Feels like I spent my money in the right place. Had one piece missing for a drawer but customer service responded promptly with a solution. Just waiting for that piece which should be here soon and well just put it in and secure the last drawer. No complaints. Did take a while to assemble but we do have a house full of toddlers.
No regrets
Sturdy and priced very well. This frame fit perfectly on my toddlers full size mattress. No overhang or sagging. Hes jumped on it a few times and no cracking or anything. Directions would be a lot more clear if they pieces were labeled sort of how ikea does it with the abc on the pieces. Real wood slats and not thin at all. Feels like I spent my money in the right place. Had one piece missing for a drawer but customer service responded promptly with a solution. Just waiting for that piece which should be here soon and well just put it in and secure the last drawer. No complaints. Did take a while to assemble but we do have a house full of toddlers.