Purchased this storage bench for my daughters nursery. It is the perfect size! My husband put it together and it is very sturdy. It was not difficult for my husband to assemble, but he has a background in furniture delivery/set up. I dont understand the other reviews knocking the quality of the product. For under $70, I feel like it was well worth the money. I can see getting a lot of use out of it! I did see some reviews that this was more off an off-white, but I dont feel that way either. Overall, I would definitely recommend this product!
Good Value!
Purchased this storage bench for my daughters nursery. It is the perfect size! My husband put it together and it is very sturdy. It was not difficult for my husband to assemble, but he has a background in furniture delivery/set up. I dont understand the other reviews knocking the quality of the product. For under $70, I feel like it was well worth the money. I can see getting a lot of use out of it! I did see some reviews that this was more off an off-white, but I dont feel that way either. Overall, I would definitely recommend this product!