Surprisingly sturdy when assembled. A 300 lb. person can sit on this. It is small but the dimensions are clearly stated in the description and it suits our needs in a small apartment entryway. I put a throw over the cushion because it was quite ugly. The only complaint about this item is that the back panel edges are unfinished. So when looking from the side, you see a light colored unfinished pressed wood edge against the dark espresso colored finish of the wood. I will take a permanent marker and go around the edges to hide this.
Sturdy little shoe bench!
Surprisingly sturdy when assembled. A 300 lb. person can sit on this. It is small but the dimensions are clearly stated in the description and it suits our needs in a small apartment entryway. I put a throw over the cushion because it was quite ugly. The only complaint about this item is that the back panel edges are unfinished. So when looking from the side, you see a light colored unfinished pressed wood edge against the dark espresso colored finish of the wood. I will take a permanent marker and go around the edges to hide this.