I literally own three of these chairs. Two in nurseries (2 under 2) and one in my playroom. The performance fabric is awesome. We have spilled water and bottles on them. They are comfortable and easy to recline and kick the foot rest back in. Literally 1/3 price of a PB Kids chair. They will get wear and tear with your babies so you dont feel like you spent an arm and leg for them. Plus super easy to assemble. Not all chairs have the performance fabrics so be sure to double check!
Best nursery chairs ever
I literally own three of these chairs. Two in nurseries (2 under 2) and one in my playroom. The performance fabric is awesome. We have spilled water and bottles on them. They are comfortable and easy to recline and kick the foot rest back in. Literally 1/3 price of a PB Kids chair. They will get wear and tear with your babies so you dont feel like you spent an arm and leg for them. Plus super easy to assemble. Not all chairs have the performance fabrics so be sure to double check!