This chair was super easy to put together. It took about 5 minutes or less. The hardest part was getting it through the doorway to the nursery! Its very comfortable, cute, and reclines and glides very easily. A previous review mentioned that it is hard to get the footrest down, but I have no issues with my chair. For reference, I am 54 and my husband is 510 and we both fit comfortably in the chair. My baby likes to be rocked to sleep in it. I would recommend this chair, and I would purchase again!
Great chair for nursery!
This chair was super easy to put together. It took about 5 minutes or less. The hardest part was getting it through the doorway to the nursery! Its very comfortable, cute, and reclines and glides very easily. A previous review mentioned that it is hard to get the footrest down, but I have no issues with my chair. For reference, I am 54 and my husband is 510 and we both fit comfortably in the chair. My baby likes to be rocked to sleep in it. I would recommend this chair, and I would purchase again!