We just recently received our chair that we ordered when we are taking care of our infant grandson. I thought it would be nice to use to rock, or lull him to sleep. It is soft and a nice dark blue. Seems built pretty sturdy. Fits perfectly in the corner of a small bedroom, swivels smoothly and is comfortable. It is a smaller chair, and the back is low. I am 52 and it is ok for me. Those that are taller may not feel that they have enough support.
Pretty good swivel chair for the price
We just recently received our chair that we ordered when we are taking care of our infant grandson. I thought it would be nice to use to rock, or lull him to sleep. It is soft and a nice dark blue. Seems built pretty sturdy. Fits perfectly in the corner of a small bedroom, swivels smoothly and is comfortable. It is a smaller chair, and the back is low. I am 52 and it is ok for me. Those that are taller may not feel that they have enough support.