Bed is reasonably sturdy. We have it positioned in the corner of a room, so that helps. Pretty easy to assemble. My 10 year old and I did it in about 3 hours.
I browsed for a few weeks to find a wood loft bed with an angled ladder that was comfortable and safe to climb, built in desk, good reviews for sturdiness and a reasonable price. This one checked all the boxes. Im very happy with it and so is my daughter.
Was missing 2 bolts when it arrived, but I messaged the seller and they responded very quickly and shipped out replacements for me the same day.
Very happy with it
Bed is reasonably sturdy. We have it positioned in the corner of a room, so that helps. Pretty easy to assemble. My 10 year old and I did it in about 3 hours. I browsed for a few weeks to find a wood loft bed with an angled ladder that was comfortable and safe to climb, built in desk, good reviews for sturdiness and a reasonable price. This one checked all the boxes. Im very happy with it and so is my daughter. Was missing 2 bolts when it arrived, but I messaged the seller and they responded very quickly and shipped out replacements for me the same day.