Easiest piece of Ive ever put together. All you have to do is screw on the legs, set the shelf on, and screw on the feet. It was put together in just minutes.
It seems pretty sturdy, though the back did have a spot of damage.
The paint job is kind of spotty, but it looks ok it you arent examining it too closely. The paint color almost matches my walls, so I think Im going to repaint it a more vibrant color anyway. Overall Im happy with it.
So easy to assemble!
Easiest piece of Ive ever put together. All you have to do is screw on the legs, set the shelf on, and screw on the feet. It was put together in just minutes. It seems pretty sturdy, though the back did have a spot of damage. The paint job is kind of spotty, but it looks ok it you arent examining it too closely. The paint color almost matches my walls, so I think Im going to repaint it a more vibrant color anyway. Overall Im happy with it.