This table was super easy to assemble. I was actually quite shocked! The top part comes completely built. You just need to put on the legs and bottom base. No tools needed. Everything screws in together! I definitely feel like I got the value for the money spent.
On the flip side, it is a little wobbly and I would have liked for it to be slightly taller. Im 55 and to me the table feels quite short. Once I add decor to the top.I hope I feel differently!
Would totally recommend for anyone who recently purchased a home and is looking for something solid yet inexpensive.
Great looking entryway table!
This table was super easy to assemble. I was actually quite shocked! The top part comes completely built. You just need to put on the legs and bottom base. No tools needed. Everything screws in together! I definitely feel like I got the value for the money spent. On the flip side, it is a little wobbly and I would have liked for it to be slightly taller. Im 55 and to me the table feels quite short. Once I add decor to the top.I hope I feel differently! Would totally recommend for anyone who recently purchased a home and is looking for something solid yet inexpensive.