We bought this in hopes that it would be sturdy, and it was! My husband assembled it very quickly, and we were so shocked by how sturdy this table was. We put a very heavy frame piece on top of it, and I mean HEAVY. It has been perfect. The drawers are easy to open and close, since they are not on tracks of any kind. It looks beautiful in our entryway, and makes for a perfect pop of color and design to our home. We would definitely buy another. The light blue color is gorgeous, and it doesnt look cheap or painted on.
Heavy Duty / Completely Sturdy!
We bought this in hopes that it would be sturdy, and it was! My husband assembled it very quickly, and we were so shocked by how sturdy this table was. We put a very heavy frame piece on top of it, and I mean HEAVY. It has been perfect. The drawers are easy to open and close, since they are not on tracks of any kind. It looks beautiful in our entryway, and makes for a perfect pop of color and design to our home. We would definitely buy another. The light blue color is gorgeous, and it doesnt look cheap or painted on.