These chairs were great. They do not feel very strong. The seats are not a woman with a full figure though. The chair size is small. It comes up to hips exactly...and I don't consider myself plus size, but I wouldn't feel comfortable in them if I got any bigger. They're are more for a petite family. The chairs come up to my mid back and I'm 5'4.
I was disappointed at first because one of the chairs came packed broken, but the mfg responded quickly and sent for the replacement. Great customer service and immediate response.
These chairs were great.
These chairs were great. They do not feel very strong. The seats are not a woman with a full figure though. The chair size is small. It comes up to hips exactly...and I don't consider myself plus size, but I wouldn't feel comfortable in them if I got any bigger. They're are more for a petite family. The chairs come up to my mid back and I'm 5'4. I was disappointed at first because one of the chairs came packed broken, but the mfg responded quickly and sent for the replacement. Great customer service and immediate response.