So far so good! These beds look nice (I got the Clay), and feel very sturdy. They do not shake at all when my five year old goes up the ladder or moves around on top. I love that the ladder is so secure and does not stick out too far into the room. Extremely happy with these low bunks, especially for the price. My husband was able to assemble them easily with a little assistance holding pieces - it took about 2 hours.
Sturdy, easy to assemble, look nice!
So far so good! These beds look nice (I got the Clay), and feel very sturdy. They do not shake at all when my five year old goes up the ladder or moves around on top. I love that the ladder is so secure and does not stick out too far into the room. Extremely happy with these low bunks, especially for the price. My husband was able to assemble them easily with a little assistance holding pieces - it took about 2 hours.