This took me about 20 minutes to assemble each chair! It took me a minute to get the hang of it but once I got it- it was so easy! The instructions are clear but if youre having trouble with the parts screwing in all the way then I would keep screwing them then try with the long part to use the lever to your advantage. These chairs are beautiful and Im using them at the sweetheart table at my wedding then in my dining room!! So pretty!!
Such beautiful chairs!!
This took me about 20 minutes to assemble each chair! It took me a minute to get the hang of it but once I got it- it was so easy! The instructions are clear but if youre having trouble with the parts screwing in all the way then I would keep screwing them then try with the long part to use the lever to your advantage. These chairs are beautiful and Im using them at the sweetheart table at my wedding then in my dining room!! So pretty!!