Bought this set for my 6 and 8 year old girls. They love them. Came in box, undamaged, and on-time. Easy to assemble and overall very sturdy. The side rail gives a little, but once the top mattress was installed, don't notice it as much. I bought 2 10-inch hybrid mattresses that work great. Wish there was a little more head room when sitting on the bottom bunk...but the kids don't notice it at all. I'm 5'3 and can't really sit up comfortably on the bottom bunk. Maybe an 8-inch mattress would work better, but I didn't want to sacrifice comfort. Overall...great purchase and love that the beds can separate to twins when the girls get older.
Great Bunk Bed..Sturdy and Classic Style
Bought this set for my 6 and 8 year old girls. They love them. Came in box, undamaged, and on-time. Easy to assemble and overall very sturdy. The side rail gives a little, but once the top mattress was installed, don't notice it as much. I bought 2 10-inch hybrid mattresses that work great. Wish there was a little more head room when sitting on the bottom bunk...but the kids don't notice it at all. I'm 5'3 and can't really sit up comfortably on the bottom bunk. Maybe an 8-inch mattress would work better, but I didn't want to sacrifice comfort. Overall...great purchase and love that the beds can separate to twins when the girls get older.