We bought this bunk bed for our two daughters (10 and 5). I loved the design and was enthusiast about the description that said it was very sturdy.
Even if the design is beautiful and the twin over full very convenient, I think after months of using it that this bed is not as sturdy as I thought.
I'm very disappointed because when my little one (who is only 28 pounds) climb on the ladder to go to sleep the all bed is moving so that's not what we are expecting when paying more than $600 for a bed. The side safety rail guard looks so cheap and I'm always scared that my girl falls when she is in her bed.
I don't know if we did something wrong when putting the bed together or if it is just the product that as a manufacturing defect.
Not as sturdy as I thought
We bought this bunk bed for our two daughters (10 and 5). I loved the design and was enthusiast about the description that said it was very sturdy. Even if the design is beautiful and the twin over full very convenient, I think after months of using it that this bed is not as sturdy as I thought. I'm very disappointed because when my little one (who is only 28 pounds) climb on the ladder to go to sleep the all bed is moving so that's not what we are expecting when paying more than $600 for a bed. The side safety rail guard looks so cheap and I'm always scared that my girl falls when she is in her bed. I don't know if we did something wrong when putting the bed together or if it is just the product that as a manufacturing defect.