I found the fit of one piece to another varied from right on to close. The ones that were close made it very hard to screw in the screws, and I stripped several (the screws were soft). One literally would not go in. I would not say dont buy the chairs and table, but just know that you arent getting a super quality product for a good price. Id say average quality for a good price. They seem sturdy enough, given that one screw is missing and some would barely tighten, and they are reasonably comfortable.
Decent quality but hard to put together
I found the fit of one piece to another varied from right on to close. The ones that were close made it very hard to screw in the screws, and I stripped several (the screws were soft). One literally would not go in. I would not say dont buy the chairs and table, but just know that you arent getting a super quality product for a good price. Id say average quality for a good price. They seem sturdy enough, given that one screw is missing and some would barely tighten, and they are reasonably comfortable.