When you first get this and see all the parts, it is a little intimidating. However, the instructions are easy and the assembly is not as bad as you might originally think. The actual product, once you get it built, is quite good. It seems solid and there are no weird creaking noises and such - nice and quiet. Also, the lift mechanism is fantastic and the gas struts are super strong so they will do all the heavy lifting for you. I'm happy with it.
Overall, quite nice
When you first get this and see all the parts, it is a little intimidating. However, the instructions are easy and the assembly is not as bad as you might originally think. The actual product, once you get it built, is quite good. It seems solid and there are no weird creaking noises and such - nice and quiet. Also, the lift mechanism is fantastic and the gas struts are super strong so they will do all the heavy lifting for you. I'm happy with it.