We just put it together last night so I'll hold the durability rating but it was pretty simple directions and seems very sturdy for two adults to sleep on. We both jumped on the bed last night and it held up great. Our main reason for buying a bed like this is to get rid of our box spring so mission accomplished! I like the material that the frame is covered in.
Also, we are moving at the end of the summer so the fact that the whole bed disassembles and fits inside the hollow headboard is so great for space in the moving truck!
Simple assembly, great look.
We just put it together last night so I'll hold the durability rating but it was pretty simple directions and seems very sturdy for two adults to sleep on. We both jumped on the bed last night and it held up great. Our main reason for buying a bed like this is to get rid of our box spring so mission accomplished! I like the material that the frame is covered in. Also, we are moving at the end of the summer so the fact that the whole bed disassembles and fits inside the hollow headboard is so great for space in the moving truck!