I had high hopes, and when the product came together, it looked alright. The problem is that there are so many chips and cracks in the pieces. On top of that, even with a power sxrewdriver, I couldnt drive the screws in on the slats. So, my slats have a wave effect going. Also, they forgot to package the 2 screws that anchor the ladder to the bed. Go figure. It took me the better part of the day to even assemble this bed. Thankfully, its sturdy and looks nice enough. My girls are happy. I just pray it holds up.
Poor Construction and Packaging
I had high hopes, and when the product came together, it looked alright. The problem is that there are so many chips and cracks in the pieces. On top of that, even with a power sxrewdriver, I couldnt drive the screws in on the slats. So, my slats have a wave effect going. Also, they forgot to package the 2 screws that anchor the ladder to the bed. Go figure. It took me the better part of the day to even assemble this bed. Thankfully, its sturdy and looks nice enough. My girls are happy. I just pray it holds up.