The chairs are super nice and sturdy! Price is a great bargain! Ive been looking for upholstered dining chairs in our local and online stores and found that sold the least expensive ones. Baileys sold these for 125 EACH and I got them for 109 for TWO here! Quality is definitely a 5 star. The only issue we had was the assembly. My bf assembled them and said it took for ever and was pretty complex but the end/result is really worth it.
Must Purchase
The chairs are super nice and sturdy! Price is a great bargain! Ive been looking for upholstered dining chairs in our local and online stores and found that sold the least expensive ones. Baileys sold these for 125 EACH and I got them for 109 for TWO here! Quality is definitely a 5 star. The only issue we had was the assembly. My bf assembled them and said it took for ever and was pretty complex but the end/result is really worth it.