I ordered a set of chairs to see what they were like. The chairs were nice and worked with my table so I ordered 2 more sets the next day after my first order arrived. The chairs in the second order were not the same as the first chairs I received. They looked cheaper, the stitching on the seat was different and it was uncomfortable. The chairs from my original order and my second order are noticable different. The first order was manufacturered in Vietnam and the second order in China. Im returning my second order but would like to buy 2 more sets that are manufacturered in Vietnam.
Depends on Which Chairs You Get
I ordered a set of chairs to see what they were like. The chairs were nice and worked with my table so I ordered 2 more sets the next day after my first order arrived. The chairs in the second order were not the same as the first chairs I received. They looked cheaper, the stitching on the seat was different and it was uncomfortable. The chairs from my original order and my second order are noticable different. The first order was manufacturered in Vietnam and the second order in China. Im returning my second order but would like to buy 2 more sets that are manufacturered in Vietnam.