Its sturdy, great quality and value for the money! I love it!
Bought this for my small office/ work space in my masters retreat. It takes some time to assemble but the instructions are very clear and detailed. Its sturdy(heavy) and great quality! I like that the drawers open completely so the files are easy to manage. Great packing and shipping was faster than expected! The drawers do a little click sound when you close them but its because it has a safety mechanism. Love my new file cabinet!!! Here are some pictures and a video.
Its sturdy, great quality and value for the money! I love it!
Bought this for my small office/ work space in my masters retreat. It takes some time to assemble but the instructions are very clear and detailed. Its sturdy(heavy) and great quality! I like that the drawers open completely so the files are easy to manage. Great packing and shipping was faster than expected! The drawers do a little click sound when you close them but its because it has a safety mechanism. Love my new file cabinet!!! Here are some pictures and a video.