Assembly was easy enough. Looked cool but the seat is super small and my husband cant fit in it. Hes 58-59 and close to 300lb but the seat is even uncomfortable for me and Im 54 and 190. The back lumbar support pillow could be bigger and the top neck one small because it seem to push my head down. Having trouble getting the return placed so were basically stuck with a chair we cant fit in now.
Not the Biggest Chair Seat Wise
Assembly was easy enough. Looked cool but the seat is super small and my husband cant fit in it. Hes 58-59 and close to 300lb but the seat is even uncomfortable for me and Im 54 and 190. The back lumbar support pillow could be bigger and the top neck one small because it seem to push my head down. Having trouble getting the return placed so were basically stuck with a chair we cant fit in now.