Very happy with this purchase. I think it'll last our 12 year old a long time. Do note there is no way to fix the seat and wheels together. So if you pick it up for any reason the wheel part will pop/fall down. Could crush a toe tbh.
The chair looks very professional and the 12 year old was thrilled to look like a cool gamer. If you catch it on sale, like I did, I would recommend.
Chair seat and Wheels Separate
Very happy with this purchase. I think it'll last our 12 year old a long time. Do note there is no way to fix the seat and wheels together. So if you pick it up for any reason the wheel part will pop/fall down. Could crush a toe tbh. The chair looks very professional and the 12 year old was thrilled to look like a cool gamer. If you catch it on sale, like I did, I would recommend.