This one is tough because the price is fair. It was easy to assemble and looks nice. The low review is because its just not as sturdy as I need it to be. Have had to tighten and retighten the screws, doesnt seem to stay tight. However the bigger issue for me is with the flaps and support. The wooden bar support underneath moves overtime and before you know it is barely supporting the flap. I have to keep pulling out the supports and checking them. With kids leaning on the table, and elderly parents coming over needing the support of the table too/ its just not safe enough in our kitchen. Ive used it with both sides down as a sort of side table, and would be ok for card table. But if you ask me for a family table I say keep looking.
Not very sturdy
This one is tough because the price is fair. It was easy to assemble and looks nice. The low review is because its just not as sturdy as I need it to be. Have had to tighten and retighten the screws, doesnt seem to stay tight. However the bigger issue for me is with the flaps and support. The wooden bar support underneath moves overtime and before you know it is barely supporting the flap. I have to keep pulling out the supports and checking them. With kids leaning on the table, and elderly parents coming over needing the support of the table too/ its just not safe enough in our kitchen. Ive used it with both sides down as a sort of side table, and would be ok for card table. But if you ask me for a family table I say keep looking.