Easy to assemble with the exception of the legs. There is limited space in the pedestal and the small wrench will be tedious to tighten properly. We have a small ratchet tool which made it easy to tighten the nuts. To secure the packaging they used nylon straps which were stapled to the underside of the top. You need a good pliers to pull the staples. It looks great, seems very sturdy and we are looking forward to using the table.
Great on Day 1.
Easy to assemble with the exception of the legs. There is limited space in the pedestal and the small wrench will be tedious to tighten properly. We have a small ratchet tool which made it easy to tighten the nuts. To secure the packaging they used nylon straps which were stapled to the underside of the top. You need a good pliers to pull the staples. It looks great, seems very sturdy and we are looking forward to using the table.