Came without an assembly manual. I called and they said they would contact the seller to request a manual. She said shed call back with in 24 to 48 hrs. NEVER did. This platform bed was VERY time consuming to put together. Very tedious, and with allen screws. As you know they are difficult to get a full turn with. It took me hours to figure out how to assemble this. If sells products from others, they should back up thier part when they tell you theyll follow thru for you with the seller. NOT impressed. The platform with storage is ok, the adjustment for me is making the bed as there are the storage and my feet keep hitting them because there is no under the bed room when walking around to make it. All in all would I order this again.
Came with NO assembly instructions.
Came without an assembly manual. I called and they said they would contact the seller to request a manual. She said shed call back with in 24 to 48 hrs. NEVER did. This platform bed was VERY time consuming to put together. Very tedious, and with allen screws. As you know they are difficult to get a full turn with. It took me hours to figure out how to assemble this. If sells products from others, they should back up thier part when they tell you theyll follow thru for you with the seller. NOT impressed. The platform with storage is ok, the adjustment for me is making the bed as there are the storage and my feet keep hitting them because there is no under the bed room when walking around to make it. All in all would I order this again.