Slightly different color, sturdy, but it takes forever to put together!
My son loves the bed and it really opens up his space! Its simple to put together as in I understand and can do what its asking, but yall you gotta screw in each individual slat under the mattress. EVERY. ONE. It nearly cost me my marriage, but we decided we couldnt let the loft bed for a 6 year old win. Ill update you after marriage counseling. Everything else with the bed is great except my marriage. We would still buy again!
Slightly different color, sturdy, but it takes forever to put together!
My son loves the bed and it really opens up his space! Its simple to put together as in I understand and can do what its asking, but yall you gotta screw in each individual slat under the mattress. EVERY. ONE. It nearly cost me my marriage, but we decided we couldnt let the loft bed for a 6 year old win. Ill update you after marriage counseling. Everything else with the bed is great except my marriage. We would still buy again!