Very happy with this bed so far. It was easy to put together and it feels very sturdy and great quality. I did modify a few things like where the window was because of the placement of the bed, but that was not problem at all. My son loves it, and lets be honest thats the real review! I had zero cosmetic issues or broken pieces. The finish isnt rough on this one at all, but I like that still has the rustic look we wanted for the style of his room. I would say my only issue would be the wheel rollers on the drawer dont really work that well on our carpet. But it not that big of a deal, just something to think about. Over all we are happy with it.
My son loves his new bed!
Very happy with this bed so far. It was easy to put together and it feels very sturdy and great quality. I did modify a few things like where the window was because of the placement of the bed, but that was not problem at all. My son loves it, and lets be honest thats the real review! I had zero cosmetic issues or broken pieces. The finish isnt rough on this one at all, but I like that still has the rustic look we wanted for the style of his room. I would say my only issue would be the wheel rollers on the drawer dont really work that well on our carpet. But it not that big of a deal, just something to think about. Over all we are happy with it.