Very easy to assemble. Legs come in a pocket underneath. Looks nice and its sturdy. Very low to the floor so if you have trouble bending down low to sit then maybe its not for you. Would be perfect for kids sleep overs or an adult to sleep on. (I would suggest under 6ft and under 300lbs.) Its firm and not super comfortable for sleeping. Maybe lay on a thick comforter if you want it to feel softer. Overall this is a great value for the price!
Great price and looks nice!
Very easy to assemble. Legs come in a pocket underneath. Looks nice and its sturdy. Very low to the floor so if you have trouble bending down low to sit then maybe its not for you. Would be perfect for kids sleep overs or an adult to sleep on. (I would suggest under 6ft and under 300lbs.) Its firm and not super comfortable for sleeping. Maybe lay on a thick comforter if you want it to feel softer. Overall this is a great value for the price!