These are excellent, very well packaged, and very easy to assemble. I've put together tons of furniture, and dealt with tons of packaging from online furniture.
Highlights here:
- NO STYROFOAM in the boxing! This is a big plus, everything is wrapped nicely, and the legs are wrapped in cloth to prevent scratching
- Assembly time is maybe 15 minutes for both tops
- They are STURDY and solid once put together
- They are priced fairly I'd say. Chairs that look like this could go up to a few hundred dollars each if they had a high grade leather. For the look, these are priced just perfect. You get what you pay for and in this case this is an excellent purchase.
These are excellent, very well packaged, and very easy to assemble. I've put together tons of furniture, and dealt with tons of packaging from online furniture. Highlights here: - NO STYROFOAM in the boxing! This is a big plus, everything is wrapped nicely, and the legs are wrapped in cloth to prevent scratching - Assembly time is maybe 15 minutes for both tops - They are STURDY and solid once put together - They are priced fairly I'd say. Chairs that look like this could go up to a few hundred dollars each if they had a high grade leather. For the look, these are priced just perfect. You get what you pay for and in this case this is an excellent purchase.