Great little slide for the money! Our 1, 6 and 8 year old grandkids enjoy it so much! Seems really well made and sturdy. Goes up quickly with little effort. Its definitely not as sturdy for bigger older kids..although they can play and have fun but not the size to hold a lot of bigger kid play. Great slide. And the blower is quieter than the blower on our bounce house so thats a big plus. Highly recommend!
Compact, sturdy, and fun!
Great little slide for the money! Our 1, 6 and 8 year old grandkids enjoy it so much! Seems really well made and sturdy. Goes up quickly with little effort. Its definitely not as sturdy for bigger older kids..although they can play and have fun but not the size to hold a lot of bigger kid play. Great slide. And the blower is quieter than the blower on our bounce house so thats a big plus. Highly recommend!