Works great for small children - just dont let them see you adjust it!
We got this for a chair for the grandkids playroom. You can feel the adjustment bar when it is laid out flat, but in the chair position it is fine. The kids love having their own chair- and it isnt high enough that we have to worry about the littlest toddler falling off of it or tipping it over and getting hurt. Just dont let them see you adjust it- or the clicking, folding, and adjusting will NEVER stop!
Before I bought this I read in the reviews where people used it as a spare bed for maybe if they are drunk college kids- or you dont want them to stay it would work for that.otherwise I think its only good for the nimble, lightweight, young, healthy knees and back type people . Like young kids 8 and younger! Lol
Works great for small children - just dont let them see you adjust it!
We got this for a chair for the grandkids playroom. You can feel the adjustment bar when it is laid out flat, but in the chair position it is fine. The kids love having their own chair- and it isnt high enough that we have to worry about the littlest toddler falling off of it or tipping it over and getting hurt. Just dont let them see you adjust it- or the clicking, folding, and adjusting will NEVER stop! Before I bought this I read in the reviews where people used it as a spare bed for maybe if they are drunk college kids- or you dont want them to stay it would work for that.otherwise I think its only good for the nimble, lightweight, young, healthy knees and back type people . Like young kids 8 and younger! Lol