My kids love this couch. My 4 year old can adjust it with ease. It holds up to my boys using it as a teeter totter and jumping, climbing and sliding down it. Im shocked how well this holds up. Theyve taken naps and even fallen asleep on it. Perfect for our rambunctious toddlers.
Although I havent tried to take the cover off and see if its washable yet, I know our upholstery cleaner would work easily.
Toddler proof
My kids love this couch. My 4 year old can adjust it with ease. It holds up to my boys using it as a teeter totter and jumping, climbing and sliding down it. Im shocked how well this holds up. Theyve taken naps and even fallen asleep on it. Perfect for our rambunctious toddlers. Although I havent tried to take the cover off and see if its washable yet, I know our upholstery cleaner would work easily.