We needed a table behind our sofa and this fit the bill quite well. Its pretty heavy and sturdy which was not what I expected. I was expecting something flimsy but it seems solidly built. The color is nice and the glass was and strong. No chips or cracks thankfully.
Assembly was fairly straightforward (about 20 minutes) and the only thing I added was felt pads on the bottom of the legs so not to scratch up my floors. Overall we are very happy. The only small issue to point out is that the rear center beam has screws viewable on the back. This is not an issue if you are putting this against a wall but can be problematic if you want it free/standing.
Very sturdy!
We needed a table behind our sofa and this fit the bill quite well. Its pretty heavy and sturdy which was not what I expected. I was expecting something flimsy but it seems solidly built. The color is nice and the glass was and strong. No chips or cracks thankfully. Assembly was fairly straightforward (about 20 minutes) and the only thing I added was felt pads on the bottom of the legs so not to scratch up my floors. Overall we are very happy. The only small issue to point out is that the rear center beam has screws viewable on the back. This is not an issue if you are putting this against a wall but can be problematic if you want it free/standing.