This chair is lovely - from construction to color to ease of set up. The problem I had was that the seat height was not tall enough to support my frame. I’m 5’5, but a bit on the plus-sized side. This chair would be perfect for someone more petite or for teens. I have zero complaint about the chair itself except it did not suit my needs. The seller was attentive and very courteous. No issues there. I rated 3 stars for support only because of the seat height.
Lovely chair, it not for a Plus sized Adult
This chair is lovely - from construction to color to ease of set up. The problem I had was that the seat height was not tall enough to support my frame. I’m 5’5, but a bit on the plus-sized side. This chair would be perfect for someone more petite or for teens. I have zero complaint about the chair itself except it did not suit my needs. The seller was attentive and very courteous. No issues there. I rated 3 stars for support only because of the seat height.