Happy customer!
This is a very nice and sturdy convertible sofa bed / ottoman. Its pretty comfortable to sleep on when it is used as a sofa bed. The memory foam mattress is firm and offers good support. The width of the sofa bed is decent, it fits one person comfortably. It may be tight if two people were to sleep in it. The fabric color is a nice grey color and it goes well with our wall which is light blue. When its in chair shape, the back rest part is little short and it doesnt support your neck.
Overall, its a great convertible sofa bed and it will serve us well when we have a guest over. Highly recommend it.
Great convertible sofa bed
Happy customer! This is a very nice and sturdy convertible sofa bed / ottoman. Its pretty comfortable to sleep on when it is used as a sofa bed. The memory foam mattress is firm and offers good support. The width of the sofa bed is decent, it fits one person comfortably. It may be tight if two people were to sleep in it. The fabric color is a nice grey color and it goes well with our wall which is light blue. When its in chair shape, the back rest part is little short and it doesnt support your neck. Overall, its a great convertible sofa bed and it will serve us well when we have a guest over. Highly recommend it.