We purchased this bed chair/ottoman for occasional sleep overs by guests. It is very sturdy, easy to assemble and the material is beautiful. My husband who weighs 180 said it was very comfortable. We like that this is not a huge piece of furniture because the ottoman is a perfect size to even use as a table in front of a couch. Best part was the price, half of what we could find it locally, so let the first guest arrive!
Your bed is ready!
We purchased this bed chair/ottoman for occasional sleep overs by guests. It is very sturdy, easy to assemble and the material is beautiful. My husband who weighs 180 said it was very comfortable. We like that this is not a huge piece of furniture because the ottoman is a perfect size to even use as a table in front of a couch. Best part was the price, half of what we could find it locally, so let the first guest arrive!