I cant imagine getting a sturdier and better looking bed at this price point. My 7th grade daughter loves it and sleeps great on it. Im 66 190 lbs and Ive never actually slept a night in it, but when I lay in it it feels great.
Its a bit tough to assemble. I fancy myself an expert of Allen Wrench assembly furniture and it took me an hour or two to do on my own (at least). But thats a small price to pay for a bed this sturdy at this price point in my opinion.
Fantastic Bed at this Price Point
I cant imagine getting a sturdier and better looking bed at this price point. My 7th grade daughter loves it and sleeps great on it. Im 66 190 lbs and Ive never actually slept a night in it, but when I lay in it it feels great. Its a bit tough to assemble. I fancy myself an expert of Allen Wrench assembly furniture and it took me an hour or two to do on my own (at least). But thats a small price to pay for a bed this sturdy at this price point in my opinion.